How to Take Care of Your Labrador Retriever Dog | Dog Care Basics

How to Take Care of Your Labrador Retrieve Dog | Dog Care Basics

Adopt a Labrador Retriever can be a very rewarding experience because these animals are very good companions for a family, they give lots of love and can bring animation to your days. However, in exchange for these awards, the owners have a responsibility to give him the necessary care to help the Labrador Retriever to flourish within the family. Basic care for Labrador Retriever include: provide him food and water, a comfortable place to sleep, take him outside to relieve himself, groom your Labrador Retriever and take him to the vet regularly.

The Labrador Retriever Care Basics

Your dog should always have access to fresh water. You will need to change their water and clean the bowl regularly for your Labrador Retriever is well maintained. You will also pay attention to feed your Labrador Retriever enough to maintain it at a healthy weight. You can give him dry food, the dog food, a diet of raw marrow bones, meat and vegetables, or a mixture of all these foods. Normally we give food to a dog twice daily and three times daily for a puppy. The amount of food given to each meal will depend on the actual weight of the dog, level of physical activity and weight that we want to achieve it. Your veterinarian should be able to tell you if your dog's weight is in the healthy average or not and to advise you on the amount of food to give to maintain or achieve a healthy weight.

Labrador Retrievers tend to create the strong links with families and therefore they may prefer to sleep close family members. In fact, many of Labrador Retrievers sharing bed people of the family, but some prefer a soft basket nothing to them. This basket may be close to family members, in a quiet area of ​​the house or even in a case if the dog feels safe inside a crate.

Other basic care that will be required in Labrador Retriever walks are for it to do its needs, grooming and veterinary visits. Most dogs will need to go to defecate several times a day. This can be walks or visits in a reserved corner of the garden. On a Labrador Retriever grooming is not very difficult. You should brush them, bathe them, trim their claws and clean their ears. However, they do not need to be bathed as often as other breeds because if excessively bathes the skin it removes the greasy film that keeps the coat of a Labrador Retriever healthy. Most often, a good brushing with a firm bristle brush will remove most dirt from their fur, and we can give them a bath about 3 to 4 times a year. Finally, it is recommended to make an annual visit to the vet for adult Labrador Retrievers. Puppies less than a year will have to make more frequent visits. Your veterinarian should provide a schedule indicating how often your dog will make his visits.
