Black Labrador Retriever Puppy | Dog Selection Guide

Black Labrador Retriever Puppy | Dog Selection Guide

The Labrador has three main colors dress. The black color is one of those colors. The black Labrador dog is still not widespread. But it was not always so...
The Labrador, whose race was officially recognized in England in the early 20th century, was indeed originally exclusively black. The reason is simple... the yellow Labradors puppies were systematically removed!

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Black Labrador Retriever Puppy

Whether we like or not this color dress, we must recognize that the black Labrador has a noble air. When her hair is perfectly clean and shiny, black Labrador has a majestic look.
Like the chocolate Labrador, we cross fairly often black Labradors in US.
There is a variant of the black Labrador, this is the silver-colored Labrador. One can find in America. This dress is exceptionally rare. This variant of the Labrador is called the Labrador Silver.

The Charcoal Labrador is also part of Labrador variants that can be found mainly in the United States. The charcoal Labrador is a result of a cross between a yellow Labrador dog and another silver color.
